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Star Recipe Of The Month

Palada Pradhaman
By Nirapara
Traditionally Mallu
Pre Time: 15 Mins
Serves: 6

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Cook Time: Hii,No-Such-Data-Available, Please-conatct-admin
Serves: Hii,No-Such-Data-Available, Please-conatct-admin

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Non Veg
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Ahalya Kumar
I made chicken curry with Nirapara Chicken powder masala. No words to describe its yumminess. My family just loved it. Thankyou Nirapara for adding more spice to our life.
Anamika arun
I was wondering what to make for our 4 PM snacks. Just then, I saw the Modakku recipe and decided to make it. Wow! a super delicious snack both rich in health and taste. Thankyou Nirapara for always giving us healthy snacks recipe. Great taste!
Aditi Santhosh
We begin our day with breakfast. So, the breakfast we eat should be healthy. I tried making Ragi puttu and it turned out all tasty. What a great way to start a day! Thankyou Nirapara for always making our life better and healthier! blanditiis fugit obcaecati quas aperiam quisquam soluta nesciunt porro saepe?