
Five amazing drinks to try out in Kerala
20 March 2020
Austin Jacob
Kerala is a state known for its spicy flavors and tasty food varieties. But the lesser known fact is that the state also takes pride in a long list of lip smacking refreshing drinks indigenous to it. If you are in Kerala and your goal is to feel fresh and energetic in an instant, following are the drinks you must try out.
The recipes are so simple that you could even make it at home!
Kulukki Sherbeth
Made mainly of un-ripened lime and basil seeds, you can find this drink in every nook and corner of the state. The name comes from the fact that it is a shaken, not stirred kind of drink. All you need to make the perfect Kulukki Sarbath is 2-3 lemons, a few pieces of crushed ice, one tablespoon of basil seeds, a couple of sliced Thai green peppers, sugar syrup and honey.
Sharjah shake
Sharjah is a popular drink available across almost all bakers in Kerala. This flavory drink is prepared using frozen milk, bananas, two or three spoons of horlicks or complan or boost, sugar, roasted cashew and vanilla ice cream. Certain shopkeepers add their own tasty twist such as a few slices of pineapple to it to make it more unique.
Spiced Sambharam
This drink is native to Kerala and Kerala only. It is just pure buttermilk seasoned with shallots, garlic, ginger, green chilli, yellow chilli, bilimbi, asafetida powder, coriander leaves, mint leaves, mango and pineapple slices. Times may have changed but it still remains the most demanded drink among the Malayali population on a hot summer day.
Full Jar Soda
The full Jar Soda is a drink that became a trendsetter in Kerala due to its way of making. The Full Jar Soda is prepared using mint leaves, ginger, bird's eye chilli, cuscus, cinnamon, lemon juice, nannari/naruneendi (Indian sarsaparilla), honey, salt and sugar. Mostly drunk in a single go, the drink has taken Kerala by storm with people waiting in long queues for hours to just have a taste.
Raw Mango Drink
Also known as “pacha manga” juice in the native language, this is a simple and appetizing drink made out of raw mango. Other ingredients include freshly ground pepper, fennels seeds, cumin seeds, mint leaves and coarsely ground black rock salt. It's easy to make as the fruit is abundantly available in the state especially during the hot months!
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